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naok fujimoto

Artist, Curator, Interpreter

born in Tokyo/Japan

Royal College of ArtMaster of Fine Arts  held by RCA, England, UK

​About  "naok fujimoto

《naok fujimoto |藤本ナオ子》は、


《naok fujimoto |藤本ナオ子》のアート活動は、






女性性の一人称をとおして、日常にあたりまえのように潜むジェンダー観や社会的構造、職層(階層)等について再考しています。これはいち生活者としてインターセクショナリティー(交差性)の視点からアートが社会にどのように接続できるかを問う実践であり《naok fujimoto |藤本 ナオ子》の新たな挑戦でもあります

《naok fujimoto 藤本 ナオ子》 東京都出身

Royal College of Art (MA/Fine Art)修士課程修了


アート、科学、哲学、対話をキーワードに、アート作品の制作と展覧会や哲学対話の企画といった社会実践を行う。英国Royal College of Art(MA/Fine Art)修了後、東京工業大学での最先端ロボット研究に参加。その後、活動の場を教育界へと広げ、東京都教員、大阪大学や東京大学での人材育成をはじめ、サイエンスコミュニケーションや、コミュニティーサービス(地域貢献活動)に関する調査研究を経て至現在。


・キュレーション・コレクティブ《Geek Love Project》代表

・対話のアクティビティ《哲愕カフェ by NAoK》主宰




"naoku fujimoto" is a multi-disciplinary Japanese artist who studied contemporary art in London, UK.
Art, science, philosophy and dialogue are the keywords that "naok fujimoto" uses to create artworks, exhibitions and social practices such as citizen dialogue workshops.

naok fujimoto’s artistic practice spans painting, photography, animation, the moving image and theatrical lecture performance. “naok fujimoto” uses everyday life scenes and things as subjects for works, considering the relationship between “the seeing” and the “being seeing”. For example, “naok fujimoto” works with the minutiae of daily life, the fantasy of popular culture and the shape shifting of collective memory. “naok fujimoto” works with family archives, found images, scientific imagery, some objects and text traverse illusory narratives and sensory passages, working extensively with the techniques of collage, erasure and deconstruction.


And in the theatrical Lecture Performance with moving images, through the first-person perspective of femininity, the project reconsiders gender perspectives, social structures and occupational strata that are hidden in daily life as a matter of course.


This is a practice that asks how art can be connected to society from the perspective of intersectionality as a person living in this world and age and is also a challenge for “naok fujimoto”.

I look forward to working with you in the future.


About “naok fujimoto”

"As an #artist, #curator and #facilitator of philosophical dialogue, “naok fujimoto” works with three profiles. Using art, science, philosophy and dialogue as keywords, “naok fujimoto” engages in social practice, including the production of artworks and the organization of exhibitions.


After graduating from the Royal College of Art (MA/Fine Arts) in the UK, joined Advanced Robotics Research at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Following this, worked as a teacher at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and conducted research on community service Osaka University and the University of Tokyo, until now.

▶︎Web: https: //

▶︎Contact me:

University of Tokyo/Art Management of Socially Engaged Art (AMSEA)
Royal College of ArtMaster of Arts held by RCA, England, UK 

Goldsmiths College, University of London Postgraduate Diploma/Creative arts

*Award Grants
Best Presentation for audience awarded by University of Tokyo/AMSEA 2018
Logo Design Competition awarded by Fukushi Club Cooperative 2010
Recipe Competition awarded by Ajinomoto Co.Ltd & The Asahi Shimbun Company1996
Grant and Fellowship of Royal College of Art 
Fellowship of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, London 
*Work Experience
Researcher: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 2015-
Researcher: Osaka University, 21c-Kaitokudo, Osaka. 2014-2015
Junior high school and  Elementary school of Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education Center 2010-2014
Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, 2010-2011
Science and Technology, Tokyo 2004-2009
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 2004-2010
Cit'e International des Art's; Paris, France
Geek Love Project Vol.4,《Collective Memory》Could I talk about my own story?,Tokyo
supported by the British Council,2023
Geek Love Project Vol.1, Go Beyond Stereotypes, Tokyo, supported by ArtsCouncil Tokyo, 2019
Small Talk Project Vol.1 with Small Talk Project, Tokyo, 2018  


"naok fujimoto" moved to the UK to study contemporary art and sculpture at Royal College of Art after spending time as a young carer and surviver.

"naok fujimoto" received instruction from Professor Glynn Williams and Ms.Helen Chadwick, both British artists at Royal College of Art. These two artists have very different styles and ways of expressing themselves. So, naok fujimoto was able to learn various styles of expression and ways of thinking from various viewpoints with a dialogue of art, science, philosophy, and so on. This was a very valuable experience for naok fujimoto.

One day when naok fujimoto met Helen Chadwick in her studio in London, Helen advised naok fujimoto: "The life of an artist is very slow and long, so don't worry and don't be rushed, I have endured the same way. You can do it". Helen's words still encourage naok fujimoto today.

After graduating with a Master of Fine Arts from the Royal College of Art in London, Naok Fujimoto left London to join the most advanced robotics research at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.


This was because naok fujimoto was interested in the mechanism of robotics as a moving sculpture.Afterwards, naok fujimoto then expanded her activities as a research fellow at Osaka University and the University of Tokyo to include further science communication and outreach activities, as well as human resource development projects at universities, such as community service activities.naok fujimoto has worked on projects promoting science communication activities and community service with scientists, researchers, science museums, local governments, science volunteers in local communities, etc. "naok fujimoto"’s aimed to create the opportunity can discuss and communicate with each other in public. Then she felt that these activities seemed like invisible installations, which are a kind of art.

On the other hand, she had to face family problems during this time and had to care for her family again. 
This was a very difficult time for naok fujimoto. Unfortunately, there are some things in a woman's life that she/they cannot manipulate yet. Although this may not be the case for all women and people...

However, there was a turning point in 2017. Ironically, some of Naok Fujimoto's relatives passed away, and her life as an artist began anew.These experiences are one of the reasons why Naoki Fujimoto focuses on gender, occupational stratification, communication, relatives and the relationship between existing frameworks and society through art.

Around the same time, “naok fujimoto” met a Japanese video artist Ko Nakajima (1941-), who inspired naok fujimoto to think about what the artist's life is all about. In particular, the encounter with Nakajima's masterpiece "My Life" (1977-), collected by MOMA, the artwork that took about 50 years to complete and is based on the theme of life and death, was an opportunity for "naok fujimoto" to rediscover herself as an artist.

Ko NAKAJIMA advised "Naok FUJIMOTO" that continuing to create art is a long journey that sometimes leads to conflicts with his family, and that he must keep fighting with them. The words of the artist, who is still active at over 80 years of age, gave new courage to naok fujimoto, who is struggling with relatives' problems.

Today, “naok fujimoto” and Ko NAKAJIMA continue their friendship, “naok fujimoto” has organized ”Philosophy Dialogues”, exhibitions, and others with Ko NAKAJIMA since 2018.

Now naok fujimoto is challenging how art can be connected to society from the perspective of intersectionality as a person living in this world and age, and is also a challenge for naok fujimoto. 

茶色、月桂樹、農業、ロゴ (14).png
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