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今回のパフォーマンスでは、ニッポンの男性優位なオーナー企業で営業職を務めるOLヤマシタ(naok fujimoto扮する)の姿をとおして、理不尽な会社でのシステムやルール、日々の生活における小さな不条理さの積み重ねのあれこれを描いていきます。

This is a 20-minute performance based on the play "Waiting for Godot" (1952) by Samuel Beckett (1906-1989).

As you know, the original Beckett's "Waiting for Godot" is a work that is still mysteriously handed down today, perhaps due in part to its position as "absurdist theater" and its Western white masculinist zeitgeist, as well as the real joy of its parade of riddles, decipherings, and foreshadowing.However, Beckett did not actually embed his interpretation and intention to that extent but simply challenged the word play of the time in any direction and at any time. This is my interpretation of this work.I believe that artificial and unintentional speech is the reality of everyday life, and that the true reality can be found in the everyday life without any punchline by such innocent and pure words...

I think that Beckett was amused by the accidental utterances from his own body on a completely different level from the reading of "Godo" as a metaphor for God or not... Perhaps Beckett himself was gloating over the theater-goers who were busy deciphering the words...

In this performance, I will portray the unreasonable rules of the company and the accumulation of small absurdities in daily life through the character of Yamashita, an office worker in a male-dominated company, who works as a sales representative.

Your Instructor

《シナリオ・ダイアローグ Ser.4》”人生は自作自演”=GOTO(ゴトー)を待ちながら編=(2023)

Mixed Media


茶色、月桂樹、農業、ロゴ (14).png
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